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IBRO is the global federation of neuroscience organizations that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, teaching, collaborative research, advocacy and outreach. More than 90 international, national, and regional scientific organizations constitute IBRO's Governing Council which, together with the five IBRO Regional Committees, address the needs and advance the work of individual scientists and research communities. In addition, IBRO has partnerships with like-minded scientific societies and organizations to identify priorities and help bridge gaps in knowledge, investment, and resources in the field of brain research.
The purpose of the Federation is to promote the advancement of neuroscience research and education in the Asian Oceanian regions, which include Asian countries, Australia, New Zealand and Islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Federation shall aim also at contributing to the advancement of neuroscience worldwide. The FAONS Congress and FAONS Symposium are typically organized on an alternating 2 year cycle by representatives from a Neuroscience Society that is a member of FAONS. The position of FAONS President on the FAONS Council is assumed by the President of the Neuroscience Society that is hosting either the Congress or the Symposium.
KBRI is the national brain research institute in Korea, aiming to become the world’s leading brain research organization. KBRI covers all fields of neuroscience, from basic brain science to brain engineering. KBRI is striving to launch ‘Korea Brain Initiative,’ a bold and ambitious national flagship project to facilitate the development of novel neurotechnologies and explore unknown frontiers of the brain.
The KSBNS pursues the development of research, exchanges, publication activities and networking among society members. KSBNS organizes annual meetings for neuroscientists, the largest of the kind in Korea, and publishes an SCIE journal, Experimental Neurobiology.